
Showing posts from July, 2023

Is Professional Carpet Cleaning Worth the Money? - BCCPC

To be very honest, certain jobs in life should be left to the Professionals who know it the best and are trained for it… CARPET CLEANING  is one such job, which clearly should be left to trained professionals and a job which is very crucial to maintain a ‘Healthy Home’. Carpets per se are Natural Magnets and a Collection Point for all types of Dust Particles, Micro Bugs and Micro Pests which usually are not visible to the naked eye. As a Home maker, you will surely try your best to keep your Carpet Clean by regular Vacuum Cleaning,  but do you honestly think that it is enough?? Under the layer lies trouble:  What appears on the surface seems to be very clean and clear BUT what lies underneath is not visible to the naked eye. The trouble in form of offensive dust particles, micro bugs and pests are nestled under the surface and ONLY proper Professional Cleaning can throw them out or destroy them. This is where lies the answer to your question –  Is Professional Carpet Cleaning worth the